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We’ve added 2 new weapons, the M9 Beretta for pistol fans, and the BAR for light machine gun enthusiasts. Both of them have unique, skinned variants laying around on several maps.
The AI (both enemy- and friendly) got a new cover system, they’re now using covers efficiently, plus they can be more aggressive in close encounters.
Be aware, this might increase the game’s difficulty, you now have to play more carefully!
We’ve added a soundtrack to the game, player animations got improved, your Co-op buddies will now look much better. We’ve also fixed quite a few bugs.
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You can check the detailed patchnotes below:


  • New weapons: M9 Beretta and M1918 BAR with unique skins
  • G36 slider fix: slider can now be grabbed from both sides with any hand
  • Attachment holo picture fix: previously holding any attachment in hand and releasing a magazine caused the holo picture to be replaced by the magazine picture



  • AI cover system overhaul: enemies now use covers more efficiently
  • AI behavior changed: in certain situations they move faster, and are more aggressive. Be careful in close encounters!


  • Player crouch and prone animations: player movement in Co-op now looks much better (still WiP)
  • Holstering long weapons fix: there is a delay on collision when taking weapons out of the holster. They won’t get stuck in the ground anymore!
  • Added a Controller Dead Zone option in Settings – Controls. This is useful when your character is drifting without pressing anything on the controller due to worn out controller components and/or unintentional interaction
  • Foot rotates onto surface its standing on


  • Seamless server travel – next mission button now works in Co-op as well. You can play through the Chicago story missions with your Co-op partners without hosting every story map individually.
  • Improved server creation interface
  • Improved weapon belt transformations on client side
  • Explosion forces sync correctly (grenades, barrels, airstrike)
  • Checkpoint fixes: newly joining players teleport to the correct checkpoint
  • Experience and money can only be gained after reaching the last checkpoint of a map


  • New original soundtrack (can be turned off in the settings)
  • Master and Music Volume settings
  • Slider sounds when cocking manually
  • New weapon sounds
  • New, realistic flyby and ricochet sounds
  • More balanced soundscape
  • Running sound effects


  • Removed invisible locomotion blocker on Timber 1


  • Night vision scope improvements
  • Overall performance gains throughout the game
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